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      Günlük gelişmeleri takip edebilmek için habertürk uygulamasını indirin

        CANAKKALE, (DHA)The fox, which was brought as a cub to Canakkale Nature Conservation and National Parks Branch Directorate has been kept under protection for a while and now is released into the wild after the feeding.Canakkale Nature Conservation and National Parks Branch Directorate´s, which is affiliated to the 2nd Regional Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks (DKMP), the treatment and care work of the young wild animals that are injured or lost their nests continue. Regarding that, the fox which was brought as a cub to the Branch Directorate became an adult after the feeding and care program. Now, the fox is released back into its natural habitat.DHA-English News Türkiye-Çanakkale

        2021-07-02 15:58:52

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