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        Ömer KOÇ/KAHRAMANMARAŞ, (DHA)Fire department rescued wild goat while struggling in the dam lake on the way back after completing the training exercise. Fire fighters caught the goat in time before it drowned.

        Underwater Search and Rescue Team of Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality Fire Brigade Department conducted a training exercise in Menzelet Dam. After completing the training, on the way back the team noticed that there were wild goats in the dam lake in Ali Kayası locality. The rescue team got close to the exhausted goat while struggling in the water. The diver team left the wild goat to the shore of the dam by their boat, then the goat ran and disappeared into the forest.FOOTAGE:The goat in the water

        Teams getting close to the goat

        Taking the goat into the boat

        Leaving the goat on the shore(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-Kahramanmaraş

        2021-06-21 12:32:42

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