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        Istanbul, (DHA)The third calf of the elephant couple Begumcan and Winner in Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Natural Life Park, was born. It was reported that the calf and mother Begümcan, whose birth created joy and excitement in the park, are in good health.

        The number of Asian elephants increased to 5 in Izmir. Asian elephants are listed in the list of animals in danger of extinction in the world. After about 2 years of pregnancy, 25-year-old Begumcan gave birth to a healthy calf of 110 kilograms. The baby elephant has not yet been named. The couple 'Begumcan' and 'Winner' have two more offspring, Izmir and Deniz.


        Izmir Wildlife Park Manager Sahin Afsin stated that they have been following Begumcan's pregnancy process for a long time and said that they were very excited about the baby he brought to the world. "For now, it's the newest member of the Wildlife Park. We've been waiting for it to be born for days. It's finally here. It's very cute and made us all very happy. Our calf is healthy and quite active. It will be taken out after being looked after inside for a while. Then visitors will be able to see the baby" Afsin said.(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-İzmir

        2021-06-21 13:23:15

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